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Introducing HunchJS

· 4 min read
Tobias Davis

When a new software offering is launched, it makes sense to explain what the reason is for making it.

I have been a casual user of Algolia for some time, but there is a particular use-case which is not well-supported: if you have a large content library, such as a set of Markdown files with templates, such that changing one template might modify many documents at the same time.

Here's an example that comes from a client:

  • Around 700 long research articles.
  • Within each article, the possibility of a template, e.g. for Amazon links it might be ::asin|12345678:: which gets converted to a link with some form of tracking.
  • These articles are compiled to static HTML files, which are the things that should be indexed by a search engine.
  • It is possible that changing a template might change the generated HTML for nearly all 700 articles.
  • During the course of a website update, it is possible that the template might be changed dozens of times, triggering a re-index each time.

In the case of Algolia, because there is a size limit to records, those 700 articles turned into many thousand records. This means that a small change to a template might cause a re-index of many thousands of Algolia records, which would translate to a bill of around 40$ each time.

Given that the client might decide to rework their website at any time, through an iterative design process, it is possible that a day-long design process of a couple dozen iterations would result in an Algolia bill over a thousand dollars. For that day.

That is an unsettling surprise!

HunchJS aims to take the place of services like Algolia, for content that fits the model, by offering a search compiler that produces an index small enough to be hosted as an AWS Lambda function.

For example, if you have a bunch of Markdown+Frontmatter documents like this:

title: My Cool Blog
tags: [ cats, dogs ]

Here are some words about my worldly travels.

You can use HunchJS to read through your content and generate an index file that you'd easily bundle into an AWS Lambda function.

How easy, you might wonder?

import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { hunch, normalize } from 'hunch'
const index = JSON.parse(await readFile('./index.json', 'utf8'))
const search = hunch({ index })
export const handler = (event, context) => ({
statusCode: 200,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(search(normalize(event.queryStringParameters))),

That's it. That's the entire code of the Lambda function.

But did you notice that the index is just a JSON file? HunchJS doesn't access the filesystem to search, so you can use it in environments that don't have a filesystem, like Cloudflare Pages Functions:

// /functions/search.js
import { hunch, normalize } from 'hunch'
let search
export async function onRequestGet(context) {
if (!search) {
const index = await context.env.YOUR_KV_BINDING.get('hunch_index', { type: 'json' })
search = hunch({ index })
const { searchParams } = new URL(context.request.url)
return new Response(JSON.stringify(search(normalize(searchParams))))

And you can do the same sort of thing in the browser, so that you can do fully-local search.

Returning to my client example, what this means is that I can create a Lambda function that literally has only this:

/hutch # you don't need everything, but note it's the only dependency

And then, whenever the content files change, the Lambda image is re-generated and deployed.

Hunch is still a work in progress--many of the tools and ideas of it are still in bits and pieces in other projects, so I'm still extracting it all.